
Hey there!

I’m a 20 something adventurer sharing my journey dancing through destinations. I’d like to think of myself as a travel logistical wizard. Whether you are balling on a budget, solo traveling, or have only 2 weeks PTO a year, my travel blog can apply to any solo traveler. Enjoy my stories & tips as I dance through life!

- Sincerely, Sarah

I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list
— Susan Sontag

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A Day at Disney- Hollywood Studios

A Day at Disney- Hollywood Studios

I had THE most magical day at Hollywood studios this weekend.

Bryn and I using the force to keep Hurricane Dorian at bay.

Bryn and I using the force to keep Hurricane Dorian at bay.

My friend Bryn decided to become a passholder, so of course with Dorian approaching we thought what better time to go to Disney! Yay for an “empty” day at the park! But seriously, the Star Wars area had been crazy packed since it just opened but with the Hurricane approaching park attendance was much lower. (Score!) It also helped we are great planners and were able to jump from one thing to the next.

Some highlights from our day-

  1. The new Star Wars section is AMAZINGLY detailed. I truly felt immersed into the world of Batuu. Only thing missing was two moons above my head or flying shuttles.

  2. We didn’t know the blue and green milks were alcoholic, whoops! I personally suggest the blue over the green (rum versus tequila). And yes, you can absolutely get it alcohol free.

  3. I had a full blown photoshoot in the crowds of people, then was approached TWICE by storm troopers saying “lets just all calm down.” I think they liked us. :)

  4. I sang the male parts of the Frozen sing a long with my friend Bryn and we had no shame

  5. Fantasmic! is just as amazing as it was when I was a child.

  6. Beauty and the Beast is still my favorite movie, however i think they changed it and it’s hella cheesy now. I’ll give them a break because they did condense a film plot into 25 minutes.

  7. Single rider line is where it’s at. We basically walked onto the Millennium Falcon ride and weren’t even separated. But let me tell you that ride is stressful beforehand with getting different color cards and teams.

  8. Follow up on the ride- don’t do it if you get motion sick. I felt nauseous for like an hour after.

  9. Slinky Dog Dash should ONLY be ridden at night, it’s amazing under those twinkling lights and Star Wars lit up in the distance.

  10. I highly suggest seeing Batuu in the daytime AND at night. Everyone at night had their light sabers going and it felt like another world.

  11. Don’t be surprised if at the end of the night you are tired from all the magical fun you had that when the tram guy asks “what time is it?” you respond 10:48pm like a normal adult and he goes “it’s partyyy timeeee.” Clearly he had the night shift.

Looking at this green milk wishing it was blue…

Looking at this green milk wishing it was blue…

Get those Fast Passes

Hollywood Studio’s fast passes are a little weird because they only let you choose ONE of the rides and then the other two for shows. You really have to be a planner or patient in lines to conquer this park!

  • Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster

    • My FIRST ever upside down roller coaster when I was a kid, this one never gets old to me. They also have a single rider line for this ride if you can’t get enough like me or you don’t want to use your one ride FP on this.

  • Tower of Terror

    • I am NOT a fan of this ride at all, but ya know you do you.

  • Fantasmic!

    • Yes, there are two show times and yes, it has plenty of seating. But if you want the middle rows you gotta have the fast pass to snag them. Otherwise you’ll be watching the whole show from the side.

  • Slinky Dog Dash

    • I haven’t ever seen fast passes become available for this ride, so I’d say take your chances with the wait time. Personally, I rode it at night and it was incredible under the twinkling lights.

  • Toy Story Mania

    • I compare this one to the Buzz Lighter ride in Magic Kingdom. It’s a two person game where you go through different sections to crash plates, pop balloons, and fire at targets.

  • Frozen Ever After- The Sing Along

    • I have no shame that i go to this one every time i visit and belt my lungs out to “Let it go.” Also getting good at singing both male & female parts….

  • Beauty & the Beast- Live on Stage

    • I know it’s tough to condense a whole movie plot into 25 minutes, but they miss the mark on this one. Still my favorite Disney princess and movie though so I still sit through it and enjoy the songs/costumes.


*Arrive around 12pm*

Breakfast- On your own

  • I’m personally not suggesting getting breakfast at the park this day since you don’t need a FULL day to accomplish this itinerary and you can save some money eating something before heading into the park.

Head straight for GALAXY’s EDGE

  • Milk Stand

    • Blue V. Green is a real debate. I’m partial to the blue but you gotta try both to know!

  • Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run

    • This is the newest ride and has NO fast passes. But they do have a single rider line and my friend & I weren’t separated on it. It’s a 3D simulator ride though so beware if you are easily motion sick.

  • Savi’s Workshop

    • Build your own lightsaber! It will only cost you a mere $200!

  • Docking Bay 7

    • Nicer restaurant with some healthier options. If you want something more casual, stop by Ronto Roasters

  • Oga’s Cantina

    • For the adults, if you know what I mean…

  • Galaxy Edge Shopping

  • Droid Depot

    • Build your own R2-D2

First time intergalactic flyer over here.

First time intergalactic flyer over here.



  • FP- Toy Story Mania
  • FP- Slinky Dog Dash 
  • Swirling Saucers

    • Like the Magic Kingdom Tea Party ride

If you do need lunch I suggest going down Sunset Blvd to Rosie’s All American Cafe


  • Indian Jones

  • Frozen Ever After

  • Beauty and the Beast

  • The Little Mermaid

In-between all those shows be sure to grab a refreshing snack- maybe carrot cake cookie and coffee from the Trolley Car Cafe

7pm Dinner at Sci-Fi Diner

  • The ambience is what makes this place awesome. Sometimes I wish I grew up in the 50’s as a kid where you actually drove up to watch your movies and popcorn was only 50 cents. Sigh. To me, Sci-Fi Diner reminds me of childhood visits to Disney and I love coming back for a milkshake and fries. Plus you sit in actual car booths. Every 9 year olds’ dream.

  • Book reservations in advance and know if you have an awkward number someone may be sitting in a car alone

10pm Fantasmic!

  • You do have to get to this one early, so if you have a fast pass they let you in starting at 9:20pm, or you can do the 8:30pm show and then catch the 10pm Star Wars Fireworks!

Food at Hollywood Studios

After Bryn and I left the park we got to talking about the food option in this park. They are pretty awful compared to the others when it comes to quality or even fun specialty items. For this reason, I’m not going to list out a food bucket list and highly suggest you bring your snacks and just enjoy the drinks. Obviously if you HAVE to get a real meal there my personal suggestion is Sci Fi Diner for the ambience and a milkshake or the 50’s Prime Time Cafe.

Alright that’s everything for Hollywood Studios! What are you most looking forward to doing when you visit this park?



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