How to wander while you wait
The waiting period is the worst. Whether it’s...
...waiting for your life partner
...waiting for a job promotion
...waiting on news from a doctor
...waiting for your next trip
...or waiting for this virus to end…
The waiting period can be excruciating. We want the instant gratification. We are a generation that constantly needs stimulation, with a go go go attitude and information overload right at our finger tips. We are the generation that plays games on our phones while watching a tv show. We are the generation of fast food, fast paced jobs, and fast wifi. Therefore patience has not been one of our greatest attributes.
I am guilty of this too.
Before COVID came crashing down on our world, I had plans to move to London at the end of August. I had already booked flights, started to look for housing, and paid a hefty deposit towards my Global MBA program. I had been anticipating this move and was ready for this exciting new chapter after feeling lost since retiring from NFL Cheerleading. But as cases went up and borders started to close, I began to come to the realization that my plans could be unraveled.
I had been wishing the year away since COVID arrived. “Just get me to August” I would tell myself. But here we are in July & I am deferring school. Meaning another YEAR of waiting after already anxiously awaiting this move for 7 months. Does it suck? HELL YES. Those feelings we are all having of being upset our plans are cancelled this year are valid. But instead of wishing away 2020 anymore, I have begun to find some peace in being present.
So what do you do during a period of waiting?
You’ve got to change your mindset. Plain & simple. You’ve got to start romanticizing your life. To look at your daily walk with curiosity and that coffee date outside with a friend as an adventure. You have to see each redirection as an opportunity. Here are some ideas:
Turn your phone off on your next walk
Start a gratitude journal
Make a local travel bucket list
Try one new thing each week
You have to learn how to find the beauty in your everyday routine. Turn your phone off & really take in the scenery around you on your next walk.
So yes, while I am disappointed to not make this dream come true next month, I am finding the positives in the situation. For instance, I now get another year to save money for all the weekend trips I want to take while living overseas & living expenses so I can pay for my MBA program debt free. I am fortunate to still have a job & to be closer to my family while working remote. I now will be around for my friends wedding celebrations this fall. I get the chance to explore the beaches and mountains and get to visit new cities in the United States. I get to really work on my self development while we all continue to social distance. By turning the phrase “I have to” into “ I get to”, you can change your mindset and bring gratitude to your life instantly.
I encourage y’all to look at this season of waiting as you being exactly where you’re supposed to be. That maybe you're like a coiled spring. You're staying in this season and getting a lot of time for reflection, self growth, redirection whatever it may be. Then when the times right you'll be released and SPRING into action!
Until then, I pray that you find a little peace in the present and that you continue to wander while you wait.
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