What I've learned traveling over the past 10 years
Y’all. A DECADE is coming to an end.
In the past decade, I’ve traveled to over 16 countries in the last 10 years. This included studying abroad in Rome, traveling to China for 3 weeks, taking a 10 day solo trip through Switzerland, Germany, and Austria, as well as many others like my last trip to Europe to perform in an NFL game and travel with my mom to Belgium & the Netherlands. That’s sixteen countries, three continents, and hundreds of lessons learned, experiences had, & serious cultural awareness gained.

As I have reflected over the end of this year and the start of a new decade, I have made some LOFTY goals for myself. I’m not a big “resolution” person since I feel like that’s way too much pressure, but rather a goal person. Plus then it’s not limited to just being accomplished in 2020. A wise person once said you are 42% more likely to complete your goals if you write them down, so here it goes!
Hike Macchu Pichu
This one has been on my bucket list for FAR too long. Can you believe with all my traveling I still haven’t made it to South America? I’ve been busy being a European travel snob because it’s where my heart lies and where I’m most comfortable traveling, but it’s time to challenge myself more.
Live abroad
Okay okay, I know this one seems out there. I mean I just bought a house in August! But this is no shock for those who have known me. Fun fact: I actually almost moved to Europe in 2015! I had a one way ticket bought to Switzerland. In the end, I didn’t go because the company I would work for had sketchy business practices like not helping with a work visa or paying interns under the table. But the thing is, I still wonder WHAT IF. So what does moving abroad look like as a 29 yr old professional? Not sure but I’m gonna figure out a way!
Get to another continent (or two)
To go along with the above statement about only really traveling to Europe in the last ten years, it’s time to branch out and gain a more well rounded cultural view on the world. I just finished reading up the book “What I was doing while you were breeding” by Kristin Newman, and she tells many tales about Patagonia, Argentina being her first love. And I can see why looking at photos! Let’s just say it’s been moved up the chain on my bucket list.
Incorporate a vlog to go along with SincerelySarah.co
When I asked my Instagram followers feedback on how SincerelySarah.co could improve in 2020, a LOT of people came back saying start a video aspect. While this is something that has been on my mind, I didn’t feel I had the video editing skills or a voice that people weren’t annoyed by. But I LOVE sharing fun facts about the places I’m visiting and I think it could bring to life what I type about on here!
So… back to what I’ve learned from traveling.
…I’ve learned you can’t plan your life out, because it will never turn out the way you expected.
…I’ve learned it’s more important to have a life that FEELS good rather than one that looks good.
…I’ve learned that we have far more in common with people of other cultures than differences.
…I’ve learned that you can never pack enough underwear and that there is nothing too important that you can’t purchase when you get to your destination. Unless it’s your passport. In which case make sure you have a photo copy emailed to yourself or printed out.
…I’ve learned mother/daughter trips get even better with age.
…I’ve learned I am quite directional and can get around places without a map like REALLY well.
…I’ve learned to enjoy time by myself.
…I’ve learned traveling is the only thing that makes you richer.
…I’ve learned as a woman we are most beautiful with no makeup, conquering our fears, and living our lives as our authentic selves.
…I’ve learned you CAN travel for cheap and you can also travel for a high price. The choice is yours.
…I’ve learned I have never regretted a trip I took, but I have regretted not having more time or resources to travel.
…I’ve learned travel doesn’t have to be a big, international 2 week adventure. Sometimes traveling can mean exploring the next town over for a day.
…I’ve learned everyone should go off the grid at least once a year. Turn off your phone and just be.
…I’ve learned that while going to all the countries in Epcot may appease my wanderlust, it’s absolutely nothing compared to the real deal. (But man it is nice to live only an hour away to escape to!)
…I’ve learned Airbnbs are sometimes not the cheaper option.
…I’ve learned travel award credit cards are your best friend.
…I’ve learned you don’t need nearly half the beauty products you pack.
…I’ve learned that using the language of that country (even if it’s just hello) will take you way further than expecting everyone to speak English. They truly appreciate you making an effort.
…I’ve learned how to travel for 10 days in just a carry-on bag.
…I’ve learned there’s more to life than going to work & the gym everyday.
…I’ve learned to ALWAYS wear socks with your shoes, but especially with heeled boots in Paris.
…I’ve learned there IS such a thing as a good and bad travel companion.
…I’ve learned how to navigate any airport with ease.
…I’ve learned I’m actually quite claustrophobic. Hence why I always snag an aisle seat whenever I can.
…I’ve learned I don’t have to wait till I have a special someone in my life to travel to awesome places.
…I’ve learned it’s either two things: A lesson, or a blessing.
…I’ve learned it’s important to slow down.
…I’ve learned to eat well & travel often.
…I’ve learned that traveling is my true passion and what brings me joy.
So here is my question to you- what have YOU learned in the last decade?
P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe to get more updates on future travels and tips!