
Hey there!

I’m a 20 something adventurer sharing my journey dancing through destinations. I’d like to think of myself as a travel logistical wizard. Whether you are balling on a budget, solo traveling, or have only 2 weeks PTO a year, my travel blog can apply to any solo traveler. Enjoy my stories & tips as I dance through life!

- Sincerely, Sarah

I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list
— Susan Sontag

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10 ways to have a healthier & happier vacation

10 ways to have a healthier & happier vacation

There is no better feeling than being on vacation for me. I like who I am better when I’m on vacation. Vacation Sarah is relaxed, goes with the flow, inquisitive, and fun! Then I get home from vacation and it’s like the whole world came collapsing on me and the stressed-out-anxious-Sarah-who-overbooks-herself is back to rear her ugly head. Yikes.

The last couple of trips I made a goal to work on my transitions before and after a vacation, as well as making sure I stayed healthy while on trips. Below are some of my top tips for you on how to make sure you have a healthy & happy vacation. Guaranteed.

  1. Knock out that to-do list beforehand, but don’t stress if it’s not all done.

    Yes, there are the essential things like making sure you closed out all your important emails, turned on your out of office, got a dog sitter, etc. And then there are the things on the to do list that you WANT to get done before a vacation, but aren’t essential. (Looking at you, the person who cleans their entire house before they leave for a trip). Take a minute to jot down your to do list, and mark which ones ABSOLUTELY need to get done before you leave. Then, as you get closer to your departure date, if you have all the marked items done, then you move onto the others. But seriously, you are going on vacation for a week or two tops, the world will keep spinning! Make a second list of your top items for when you get back home and try to have them scheduled out so you don’t feel overwhelmed upon your return.

  2. Under schedule each day

    Giving yourself wiggle room is key to ensuring you are less stressed. As I say, you always have to be flexible while traveling, because unexpected issues can always arise. I typically plan one or two big ticket items in my schedule an allow extra time to get from site to site. Plus leaving unplanned time allows you to go on an adventure you didn’t expect!

  3. Minimize your jet lag

    Try to choose a flight that matches your sleep schedule. For instance, I try to book later flights that go from East Coast to Europe, so that I’m boarding around what is my “bedtime” and arriving late morning there. This allows me to feel like I got a great night of sleep and get on their time zone faster.

  4. Live like a local

    Go explore your local neighborhood! Maybe you find a cute coffee shop instead of hunting down a Starbucks, or maybe there is a beautiful park nearby that you can go for a nice walk/jog one morning. Talk to local people to ask about off the beaten trail places and hip recommendations. The best local guide- your neighborhood friendly bartenders. Living like a local will cultivate new senses and experiences to take back with you.

  5. Adapt your workouts

    Try to plan movement into your adventures. Even if it’s trying paddle board yoga, going on a nature hike, or just walking places instead of taking buses or ubers. You’ll save money and still feel like you did something. I walk about 20K steps or more each day in Europe! Other ways you can workout is just a quick 10 minute video in your hotel room or ask the hotel to bring you weights. I pack booty bands and a jump rope sometimes. A little exercise can help you get energized for your day!

  6. Keep your beauty routine

    I used to always feel like I had puffy plane face or those under eye circles from jet lag. But nowadays we have all our beauty blasters at our disposal. Don’t be afraid of judging eyes and stick to your skincare routine. Bring face spray to hydrate your face every hour, wear an under eye mask as you land to help the puffiness and keep your skin glowing. And always stick to your nightly make up removal and wash even on overnight flights.

  7. Manage your mindset

    Let’s say you are homesick, or the trip isn’t going as great as you hoped. Remind yourself of the wonderful opportunity you have to experience a new culture. Find the things about this new city that you like, as well as what you are grateful for that you may have back home that they do not have there. By doing so, you will leave being more well rounded, educated, connected and emotionally grateful.

  8. Bring your supplements with you

    Just because you are on vacation, doesn’t mean your diet has to go totally to shame. Know before your trip if you don’t care at all about what you eat or if you want to still focus on getting protein and veggies each meal. But always take your medication and supplements with you on your carry on.

  9. Schedule “you” time

    This one is if you are traveling with a group. Everyday, try to block off 30 or so minutes to just be with yourself. For example, I went on a cruise with a large group and took the time to either exercise alone daily or go read a book in a nice cabana for a bit. Getting to deplug from the sometimes chaos of a group trip will make sure you don’t get on each others nerves.

  10. Bring your vacation bliss back with you

    Use your trip as motivation to improve your day to day wellness back home. If you wished you knew the language better, sign up for a language course. Or maybe you liked that on vacation you had a solid morning routine- try mimic that once you arrive home. Maybe you got to be outside more on vacation, go for a walk everyday during your lunch break when you get back. Personally, I journal when I am on vacation, so I am hoping to do a little everyday now that I’m back home.



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